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The Science of Business Success: Generosity

Posted by on July 6, 2016 in For Businesses

It is sometimes referred to by sociologists as the “Generosity Paradox.” Those who give also receive much more in return. This is not only a philosophical or religious teaching; it is a sociological fact.

It is used in business too. It has proven to help companies flourish in many ways: branding, marketing, advertising, recruiting, employee retention, and public relations.

It is based on a simple characteristic of human nature: When someone (or some organization or company) gives us a gift that benefits us we naturally feel a sense of gratitude.

If you give, you will get! Your gift will return to you in full and overflowing measure, pressed down to make room for more, and running over. – Jesus

For thousands of years, successful businesses have known this and utilized it in capturing and expanding their enterprises. That is the practical reason for their sponsorship of charitable events and organizations. Their consumers, employees and potential employees see them as a “good” company. They identify with their brand and form a loyalty to it.

Today, this approach to growing businesses is often called “Cause Marketing,” or “Higher Purpose Marketing,” and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The book, The Patriotic Business Plan uses helping US military, veterans and their families as an example of a cause to use. It details every step of how companies can receive millions of dollars in free TV, radio, press and social media attention, as well as local and national awards and recognition by doing so.

Hire Patriots has created a cause marketing program for businesses to incorporate that has spread itself from a small town in San Diego, across America, and is practiced by companies in 33 states and 90 cities. It has won awards from two U.S. Presidents and Congress for creating economic development across our nation.

Whatever charitable effort reaches into your heart and motivates you will probably also motivate your employees and customers. It will increase the effectiveness of every aspect of your business.

“One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but ends up impoverished.” – Hebrew proverb

“They who give have all things, they who withhold have nothing.” – Hindu wisdom

“Minds, nevertheless, are not conquered by arms, but by love and generosity.”
— Spinoza



Mark Baird

About The Author
Mark Baird

Hello, I'm Mark Baird and I founded Hire Patriots. My wife and I are 'helpers.' We are concerned about meeting the practical needs of our US veterans and their families. We began a job board for local residents to post chores that they need help with. It has been very successful. Thousands of local US Military and veterans partially or entirely support themselves from our website. We are looking for others near US Military bases who would also like to have a HirePatriots.com website for their location. Find more information about our military programs at PatrioticHearts.org. And please make a contribution of any kind. Thank you.

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