Hire Patriots Career jobs
Post & Search Careers

For US veterans and their spouses who are looking for more permanent employment.

Hire Patriots Dayjobs
Post & Search Temporary work

The jobs are usually for doing yardwork, painting, hauling and small repairs: anything a resident needs.

Hire Patriots States
Veteran News

Important News for US Military and Veterans: Jobs, Business Ops, and Good Advice.

US Military Maintenance
US Military Maintenance

A nationwide effort to employ US veterans in commercial office cleaning. We provide the equipment.

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Our Story

HirePatriots.com was launched in 2005. The founders were living next door to Camp Pendleton Marine Base. One day a Marine who had just returned home from Iraq knocked on their door. “Sir,” he said, “I just got back from deployment and found out that my wife was laid-off a couple of months before I got back home. And when I got back today I found out that our utilities were turned off. So I need to earn some extra money to make sure that we can have lights and heat before my kids go to sleep tonight. – Is there any work or repairs that I can do for you around your home or yard?”

Our founders wanted to just give the Marine the money he needed; but, he insisted on working for it. So he cleaned their house, did yardwork and fixed the carburetor on an old car they had. The Marine earned $100 that day and got his bills paid.

After that our founders created HireMarines.com to see if any other residents wanted to hire local Marines. Within a few months 10,000 residents and Marines were coming to the site every week! -- The website changed its name to HirePatriots.com when the sailors in San Diego asked if they could use the site too. Read more

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Why Support Us?

The site has been a tremendous help to active duty, Reserves and Guard since. And now it is providing a daily source of income for transitioned troops all across America. HirePatriots has helped over 500,000 US veterans find employment to date. But there is a lot more work to do. Nearly 50% of current transitioned veterans are taking more than 3 years before they find sustainable employment. This is devasting to them and their families.

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