Job Board

The jobs are usually for doing yardwork and small repairs: anything a resident needs.

Job Board

For US veterans and their spouses who are looking for more permanent employment.

Our Story


 began as in 2005. Our founders lived next door to Camp Pendleton Marine Base in Oceanside. They thought they were semi-retired. They had hired a nephew to run a small carpet cleaning company they created for extra income. They had just purchased a 3-bedroom home. The future looked like a long time to relax and play, when a US Marine, just returned from receiving injuries in Iraq, knocked on their door. He was looking to earn some extra money. And he was desperate. While he was away, his wife had lost her job. Their family car was repossessed, and after a while the utilities were turned off. They had two small children, an infant and a 3-year-old. He had just returned from combat less than an hour before. He was determined to get his family’s utilities turned on again! Read more

Sometimes returning home is the hardest battle of all.

Help our soldiers help themselves by supporting Hire Patriots


The Congressional Medal of Merit
President’s National Leadership Medal
The Visionary Award for Creating Economic Development
From the Chamber of Commerce: The Extra Mile Award
ABC TV: The Leadership Award
PEOPLE Magazine’s “America’s Heroes Among Us”

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