veteran first

A Biz Op Just for US Veterans

Would you like to own your own business and employ other US veterans at very good wages? This is a business you can get started in a week and probably make more in the first month than you do now. But it is just for US veterans!

This is a business I created to support myself and my family when I rejoined the civilian world. I tried working as an employee with several jobs, but that did not work out. The best solution was for me to start my own business. But I was poor. So, this is what I did. It worked fantastically for me. And I have taught 85 other veterans how to do what I did, and it has worked fantastically for them too.

team of veterans

One of the first things I learned in the US Military was how to keep everything in my possession “inspection ready.” Being chewed out in front of everyone was something I tried hard to avoid. I practiced making my bed so that a coin would flip from it. I kept my locker in order, shined my boots until I could see my face in them, kept my rifle immaculate, and I became an expert at cleaning latrines! – Cleaning was something I knew how to do better than any civilian. So, I started a cleaning business.

I bought a mop and bucket, a vacuum, and tore up old towels for rags, brought a broom, and filled some bottles with ammonia and water. Then I got some business cards made: “US Military Maintenance / Get It Military Clean! / No one can do it better than a veteran.” Then I walked down the business streets of my town and the ones nearby, introduced myself, gave them a pitch about keeping their offices “white glove inspection ready,” and left them a bid for cleaning 5 days a week, every month. Within a week I had 7 accounts. Each was bid at $500. The year was 1970. I made $3,500 my first month. By my first year’s end, I had earned $85,000 net. That is the equivalent of earning $550,000 today! (

US Veteran Janitors

This is why you can do what I did. Almost every cleaning business sucks! The national average for these “cleaning businesses” keeping their accounts is 5 months. Then they are fired. This drives business owners crazy. They are always dealing with complaints about their cleaning service from employees. No one knows how to clean like we did in the US Military. Plus, most businesses like the idea of hiring veterans. For some, it gives then an advantage when seeking new business.

There are two primary types of work in this business, daytime jobs, and night-time jobs. So, you can be earning money around the clock. During the day, your workers clean for property managers. They clean new buildings, and vacated homes, condos and apartments, and get them ready of occupancy. There is ton of work in this area. Here is an example of what you might do and earn for cleaning a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. – Cleaning whole house: vacuum, clean all counters, drawers ledges, windows, kitchen and bathroom: $250. Power washing driveway and garage $200. Hauling trash to town dump: $200. Landscape clean up: $100, carpet cleaning: $350. –Total: $4,900. Hours: 20. You made $245 an hour!

The nighttime work is much easier. This is when offices are closed, and you and your team are the only ones around. It is very basic work: take out the trash and dust desks, clean kitchen and bathrooms, vacuum, mop, turn off lights, lock door. A 3,000 sq. ft office will take one person about 45 minutes to clean. If you only charged $1000 a month and cleaned 8 offices a night, you would make $8,000 a month and work just 6 hours a night. Or, you can have another veteran clean your offices and pay him $20 an hour. He will earn $2400 a month and you will gross $5,600.

There are very few businesses that you can start this cheaply and easily and earn this much money. It radically changed my life! And I was able to provide very well for my family, friends and loved ones.

US Military Maintenance

US Military Maintenance is a program of Patriotic Hearts. We provide daily jobs and careers to US veterans on our job board And we host retreats and concerts for veterans and their families. – If you want to start your own Military Maintenance business, give me a call: 760-730-3734.

Mark Baird / mailto: [email protected]

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