Quantum physicists across the world have confirmed their discovery of new realms of existence, never known about until now. All matter and anti-matter, the seen and unseen universe is made up of photons (light) and electrons, the building blocks of everything. They have also discovered that an electron is never in one place. Its existence is founded not on what we term “reality.” Electrons exist in another realm, a cosmos of ‘probability.’ They can be wherever you decide to look. Even if an electron is not there, it will be, if you look for it there. – What this means is: Everything imaginable is possible, no matter how mathematically remote, it is still mathematically possible. Anything can happen.

In addition, there is another realm of which we know absolutely nothing. Everything we know about our cosmos and existence amounts to almost 20% of all creation. We now know that there is a much greater existence than ours’. It is called “Dark Matter.” It fills up the remaining 80% of creation! There is no doubt about this; for, we have discovered that for every electron there is a corresponding electron that is the exact opposite in its electrical charge. One exists in what we call “Matter,” electrons to supernovas; the other correlated electron exists in a cosmos formed of “anti-matter.”

Amazingly, we have also discovered that, contrary to Einstein’s perfect Theory of Relativity, E=MC2, light is not the fastest speed in creation. There is something much faster than 300,000,000 meters per second. When the electrons of matter are blasted apart, no matter how far away they become, even in different galaxies millions of light years away, whatever happens to either electron will immediately happen to the other.
.Electrons are both ‘particles’ and waves of electrical force. If we were to shoot pellets randomly at two slits in a band of metal, with a board behind it, after enough pellets have been fired, we would have two distinct line patterns on the block of wood behind the slits. However, when we shot electron particles at these two slits, we see multiple rows on the board behind, just like we get when we force water through the slits. Waves make multiple rows. Particles make two. Therefore, electrons are both particles, matter; and waves, non-matter, at the same time. We must conclude then that all existence is that way too. And when we see ‘quarks,” the building blocks of electrons, we see fuzzy clouds, like stretched-out, raw cotton. That is what everything in our realm of existence is made. It is what our bodies and the floor you are standing on are made: A substance that can be matter, and non-matter, a particle and a wave, seen and unseen, in this realm of matter and in the realm of anti-matter, at the same time!

Electrons are both ‘particles’ and waves of electrical force. If we were to shoot pellets randomly at two slits in a band of metal, with a board behind it. After enough pellets have been fired, we would have two distinct line patterns on the block of wood behind the slits. However, when we shot electron particles at these two slits, we see multiple rows on the board behind, just like we get when we force water through the slits. Waves make multiple rows. Particles make two. Therefore, electrons are both particles, matter; and waves, non-matter, at the same time. We must conclude then that all existence is that way too. And when we see ‘quarks,” the building blocks of electrons, we see fuzzy clouds, like stretched-out, raw cotton. That is what everything in our realm of existence is made. It is what our bodies and the floor you are standing on are made: A substance that can be matter, and non-matter, a particle and a wave, seen and unseen, in this realm of matter and in the realm of anti-matter, at the same time!

What does all this mean? How does it fit in with the secure knowledge that we understood how creation and the worlds came into existence? We have been humbled. – Consider a barely seeable grain of sand, compared to all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world and beneath the seas; it is, at most, the extent of mankind’s total knowledge.
This is what I think points in the right direction: What Holds the Universe Together?
Mark Baird