Hello, young Americans, makers of a new world. Here is some parting wisdom from an old man who has fought the same good fight as you. I share it humbly, with great respect for you.
Some of you will stay young forever, (even when grow to be my age). Stay young! Virtually all great creative accomplishments happen during one’s youth. But just as your bodies will grow old, so will your ideals and convictions. As you wrestle with the world through your lives, it washes over you like a river and erodes youth’s idealistic expectations. Then when you get old, the younger people will rebel and accuse you, convinced that they will be a much better generation; one that will really change the world.
Be humble. Practice the love and acceptance of diversity that you preach. Just as it is difficult for some to accept you, be willing to struggle to accept them too. Do not hate. Do not accuse. Turn away from negativity. It will infect you and fill you with its poison. Seek peace will all people and pursue it. Never become wise in your own eyes. Always listen, even to those who are considered the very least among you. Rule with justice and integrity. Practice honor. Deception, lying, manipulation, and refusing others their freedom of beliefs and preferences should never be permitted. Protect Democracy!
Dear and wonderful young people of this world, you will face hardships, trails, and tribulations, unlike any known before you. The ages of prior generations have failed to bring the peace, liberty, and happiness for which all peoples have always longed. We have worn out the resources of this planet. We have brought it to the edge of extinction. Can you do what no other generation has done? Can you turn the tide of humanity’s destructive millennia?
In my youth’s generation, we all had a unity of purpose, worldwide. We were a force. We struggled for more free expression and rights for persecuted people. You also possess this. This is the key! This is the most essential element, without which, makes failure inevitable. Avoid mere nationalism. Embrace a much greater vision that will be the salvation for all. Unite, regardless of race and individual beliefs. Raise a higher standard for the world to follow.
My generation tried and had the hope that you have now. We fought the good fight. But as so many knights who have faced the ‘Bandersnatch,’ we were overcome eventually by the cares and worries of this world. Too many became the people we never wanted to be. — Is this not the destiny of all generations until now? Can you be the Heroes who come to rescue when all seems lost?
You are the new leaders of the world. You are the designers of its destiny. Avoid our worst mistakes. Unite! Replace evil with good. The critical issues you face are far larger than political parties and platforms. Avoid those entanglements. Allow others with you to follow their conscience in those things. Turn away from factions, and their endless debates. Avoid that insanity. Turn your eyes to greater, better and higher goals. Unite with those causes.
End the madness that has condemned mankind to endless suffering and wars. Take another path not taken before. Practice love. Pursue peace. You are the last hope for humanity. Transcend divisions. As it was said in my generation, it must be shouted in yours, “Make love, not war!”
I am rooting for you!
Mark Baird