A Business Opportunity for US Veterans

This is a  business opportunity for US veterans that is affordable for all. It is NOT a franchise. Our non-profit, Patriotic Hearts, will supply everything you need to get started right away: i.e. equipment, website, business docs, training, certifications, and mentoring. We will help you to find accounts and to grow your business.

The business is US Military Maintenance. This is a full service maintenance company. We service residential and commercial properties. We normally get started by offering cleaning services because that is the lowest hanging fruit; and, it gives you work right away, plus, a reference if you do great work. From there we expand within those accounts, as we are able, to provide all the other maintenance services they require.

You will be joining a unified team of other US veterans, who all fully own and manage their own US Military Maintenance business. As a unified corporation, we are able to get national accounts, and contracts that as an independent, local owner, you could not do. You will not be doing this by yourself. Many USMM owners have walked Point for you.

Our only requirements are that you try to employ as many US veterans, at the best wages, that you can afford. And that you “Pay it Forward” for the next US veteran to join our team.

There is a lot of money to be made in this industry. — One owner in a huge metro area is already making beyond $85K a month! He starts his 40+ employees out at $15 an hour. – Another owner in a rural area is making $50K a month and employing 20 + veterans.

Some of your hires will be active enlisted and their wives, others will be wounded warriors getting their first job out of the military and the hospital, some will have PTS, some will have tried to work in the civilian world and could not hack it, some will be stalwart leaders that you can build your business around. But it will be rewarding to be able to employ and to help support them and their families. The camaraderie is great for everyone!

Now, is a great time to join. The owners are currently forming a for-profit corporation, as I mentioned. Alphonso Simmons, our Business PhD. and government contractor and USMM owner, is the Chairperson; Chris Penwarden, West Point, Army Officer, Government contractor, MBA Harvard, and USMM owner, is the CEO.

Our purpose is to create a for-profit USMM corporation that will be a united front for all independent owners. By uniting under one corp. we put ourselves into the position of getting national and government contracts that would be much more difficult for independent, local owners to acquire. We also put ourselves in a far better position to get funding, investors, and loans.

The future for our independent business owners is looking very bright!

Here is a link to another post about this opportunity: How To Solve Veteran Unemployment. It contains a link to one of our owners monthly team calls.

Give me a call if you want to talk: Mark Baird/ 760-730-3734; or, text me and let me know your email and I will send you some more info.

*This is for serious veteran entrepreneurs only. USMM is not a ‘get-rich quick’ scheme. It is real business ownership. It requires being teachable, disciplined, hard work, and perseverance. — Your biggest advantages are our cause, and the mentoring available everyday from other USMM owners that once were just starting out too. Follow in our footsteps and achieve success.

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