How Businesses Save Money and Help Veterans

I personally vouch for and give my wholehearted recommendation to this program. — Mark Baird


Businesses and non-profits that participate in this program are guaranteed to be offered a matching or lower processing rate than with their current processor.

Our 501c3 non-profit Patriotic Hearts uses Affinity 4 A Cause to process our donations. Just for doing so, they make a donation to our charity every month. And just as good as that, we pay less every month for payment processing, and receive better security and fraud protection. Why not use this for your business payment processing too?

Patriotic Hearts is one of the most effective all volunteer charities in the country, particularly when it comes to assisting US veterans in returning successfully to the civilian world. Our accomplishments have been acknowledged by two US Presidents, Congress, the Pentagon, National News media outlets, municipalities, US military bases, and American businesses.

For every business that chooses to save money through Affinity 4 A Cause, 25% of the net profit that Affinity makes from participating merchant accounts will be donated to Patriotic Hearts every month!

Read More and Register Now: HERE.

Mark Baird



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