I don’t know about you but #10 is universal to us all 🙂 Enjoy…
1) Never give up! Â Â 2) Really like what you do. Â Â Â 3) Don’t listen to the little man.
4) Take a risk. Â Â Â Â Â 5) Do something important. Â Â 6) Focus on single over noise.
7) Look for problem solvers. Â Â 8) Attract great people. Â Â 9) Have a great product.
10) Work Super Hard!
About Patrick Mellody Hire Patriots Ambassador: Patrick offers a business to veterans in transition or those seeking a full or part time retirement income. I had a desire to offer a business to our distinguished disabled veterans that would allow them to work from home on their own schedule. I also remembered how hard it was for my daughter, a military spouse, to find work that was portable and I wanted to include them also. I searched to find a franchise like business without the franchise cost that would fit every situation and eventually I succeeded. More info at:http://hirepatriots.com/heroesÂ