Every US Veterans Deserves a Great Job: Look at This!

Looking for a job you can enjoy and make good money doing is a hard thing to find. It’s the job we all want but few ever get. After joining the US Marines, getting injured and released, I got married. I was 19. By the time I was 20, I had a daughter. I was working on my A.A. degree, and then I was going to get my B.A. and become a teacher. That was going to take a few more years. In the meantime, I dug ditches for the local water district, was a security guard, a salesman, and a school janitor. The pay sucked! I could barely pay rent, keep the utilities on and feed my family. Then I took a job with the federal government and was fired for working too hard. (I was making the rest of the employees look bad.) – A lot of US veterans can relate to this.

I had to start looking for another job that could support my family and get me through college. I felt like I was climbing a sand mountain. With every step I took, it felt like I was sliding backward. I could not find a job that would get us through. I got very depressed. My wife threatened to leave me and take my child. — A lot of US veterans can relate to this too.

There is a saying that I have found to be entirely true: “Necessity is the Mother of invention.” I could not find the job I needed so I created my own: one that I could not get fired from and one that I could make all the money I wanted.  — I started a business. It cost me $500 to get started. I borrowed it from my credit card. I have made a great living since then. I started a cleaning business. Now, I show US veterans how to do what I did and to do even better. (No one knows how to clean better than a US veteran. We are drilled to make everything “inspection ready.”)

I started out cleaning move-in/ move-outs during the day for real estate companies that managed the rental of homes, condos, and apartments. I picked up a used portable carpet cleaner: that doubled the amount I was making per cleaning. I did 3-5 places a day. An average cleaning was $150. With the carpet cleaning, it was $300. per apartment. — So I was making a good living right away. And I was my own boss!

The good work I did cleaning houses for real estate companies opened up the opportunity to clean their real estate offices too. Within a year, I had 7 real estate offices, 3 doctor offices, an escrow company, 2 hair salons, and 5 banks that I was cleaning every night.

I hired another US veteran to clean the apartments during the day. Soon, I had squads of veterans working every day. I focused on cleaning the night-time offices myself.  I was making more money than I ever could have in any job that I would have taken.

During the day and early evening, I was free to do as I liked. I went surfing every day. But after awhile, I needed work to do, so I became a high school teacher, and also coached track, basketball, baseball and soccer. I made less than half what my business was making me every month. But it didn’t matter. I could afford to do whatever I wanted. I loved kids and I loved inspiring them. However, I never would have done it if I had to live off of the very low salary teachers get paid.

Since then, I have built up and sold several ‘building maintenance’ companies over the years. They have supported me and my family throughout my life. My janitorial business allowed me to live well in beautiful places, take long vacations, coach all my kids’ sports teams, and help a lot of friends. It even permitted me to start my own non-profit to help US veterans: Patriotic Hearts.

I am sharing my story to inspire you. If you want to get out of getting jobs, start a US Military Maintenance business. — Set yourself free! I have made it as easy as possible to do so. And I will do everything I can to make you succeed.

I provide your website, equipment, and show you how to get accounts. I even find new accounts for you.

Today, I coach US veterans to be even more successful than I was. I have the freedom to do this because I started a janitorial business when I was young. – Contact me and let’s talk.
At your service,

Mark Baird

[email protected]





People Magazine’s “Hero among Us” 

From President Bush: The Congressional Medal of Merit
From President Obama: President’s National Leadership Medal
From San Diego: The Visionary Award for Creating Economic Development
From the Chamber of Commerce: The Extra Mile Award
From ABC TV: The Leadership Award

Author: An American Crisis: Veterans’ Unemployment

Author: The Patriotic Business Plan: Strategies for Sensational Success

Senior Editor: Sergeant to CEO: A US Marine’s Transformation Story


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