For Business Minded US Veterans

veteran ownedThe best way to provide good jobs for US veterans is by helping other US veterans to start successful businesses, because veterans like to hire veterans. They share a camaraderie and respect for each other unlike any other. And they all have been trained how to work together effectively for maximum results.

US Military MaintenanceSix years ago, in order to get more US veterans employed with good wages I began teaching business minded veterans how to start a strong and successful Maintenance company from scratch. I realized that the more veteran owned businesses I created the more veterans would get hired. I have developed 80 US Military Maintenance businesses since. It has been an overwhelming success! They have earned millions of dollars and are employing thousands of other veterans.

But before I go further, I will introduce myself. Then I will summarize what I will do with you if you choose for me to show you how to start and maintenance business of your own in just a week. Many have earned $10 K or more in their first month. There are many US Military Maintenance owners to talk with. You can talk to them personally and listen to their own success stories.

I have been putting on career fairs on military bases for more than a decade. And I have a job board exclusively for businesses seeking to employ US veterans. It also has a unique job board for residents who want to hire local US military to help with chores, and to provide a way to thank them and for active duty, veterans and their spouses to earn extra money when needed. – My life has been devoted to serving our US military, veterans, and their families for more than 40 years. My primary focus has been to help provide ways for active duty and veterans to financially support themselves and their families well.

I have written a best-selling book: The Patriotic Business Plan: How to Leap Over Your Competition. The book explains how I received voluminous local and national media attention, medals from two US Presidents, and financial support from civic leaders, organizations, and businesses. It was written in 2013 when social networks were exploding and changing the way businesses market themselves and increase profit. It has worked for myriads of businesses across the US and continues to grow in its effectiveness to immediately increase any businesses’ prestige, and bottom line. As its creator, I personally work with you to get your business started and to help you to also leap over your competition.

  • I help you decide how to incorporate and adhere to all business requirements in your state and county. 
  • I will provide you with your initial equipment, website, Facebook and Yelp page. 
  • I provide initial certification tests to make you competitive right out of the gate. (Blood-borne pathogens, Green, Construction Clean-up).
  • We help put together your designs and logos for digital and print use.
  • Then you and I go through a 15 step beginners manual. I will teach you how to find business accounts right away and start making good income. You will learn how to maximize and market your US veteran status to leap over your competition.  You should begin making money your first week, many do so on their first day. 
  • I help build your business step-by-step. We begin with basic cleaning and work the way up to large scale commercial accounts, some of which pay 300 K+ a year for maintenance of one facility. 
  • My select team of owners is also available to assist you and advise you throughout your business career.  

Maintenance servicesThere are a myriad of additional business opportunities you can build simultaneously which provide associated services and multiply your earnings. I will assist you in developing those too. 

Also, for Military Maintenance owners who don’t mind being in the spotlight, I assist them in getting on local TV News shows, radio Talk shows, and in local periodicals. There are also endless public speaking opportunities at which you can talk about your business. — I have appeared on National and local TV, been featured in PEOPLE Magazine, and been welcomed and applauded by a myriad of state and multiple civic leaders. — I have mastered “Military Marketing.” I will teach you to do this too. 

Anyone can do what many dozens of US veterans have done by following my simple Steps to Success.  Making the lives of US veterans better is the purpose of my US veteran outreach Patriotic Hearts

If this interests you, please reach out and let’s talk.

Mark Baird

[email protected]


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