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Free Patriotic Events Posting Page

Posted by on June 15, 2018 in Uncategorized

We want to share your Patriotic Events with America!

HirePatriots.com is one of our nation’s leading websites for US Military and Veterans. We are connected to over a 500,000+ friends, connections and followers, and over 80,000+  military-friendly companies. We have created a Free Events Posting Page: http://events.hirepatriots.com/. Please post your patriotic events on this page. We will share it with our huge network. And we will even create a blog post for it if you will send us copy, and any pics, links or videos you want to be seen. 

Do so for free. All we ask in return is to exchange links and logos. We will also post your logo and link on our site too.  Send us yours and we will send you ours.

We support all US Military and Veteran programs and events that bring honor to veterans and which assist them with the hard and sometimes horrible events they must endure on our behalf. If you are a charity, a for-profit business, a municipality, a school, or a US veteran organization, let us promote your event for free. 

Patriotic Hearts is our US Military & Veteran charity. We provide several unique programs to help US veterans and their families to stay on their feet while they are in the military and when they return to the civilian world. We have assisted over 300,000 veterans in finding employment, and we have helped several hundred start successful businesses, which employ other US veterans at good, livable wages. 

About The Author
Mark Baird

Hello, I'm Mark Baird and I founded Hire Patriots. My wife and I are 'helpers.' We are concerned about meeting the practical needs of our US veterans and their families. We began a job board for local residents to post chores that they need help with. It has been very successful. Thousands of local US Military and veterans partially or entirely support themselves from our website. We are looking for others near US Military bases who would also like to have a HirePatriots.com website for their location. Find more information about our military programs at PatrioticHearts.org. And please make a contribution of any kind. Thank you.

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