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Homegrown Food for This Crisis

Patriotic Hearts’ Veteran Victory Gardens is away for Americans to grow homegrown food for this crisis. Veteran Victory Gardens is a new program of Patriotic Hearts that addresses the urgent need for homegrown food today. With so many people ordered to stay in their homes because of the danger of getting or transmitting this virus, and with the dramatic increases of cases and deaths every day, it is important that as many Americans as possible have gardens to grow the healthy, home-grown food that they and their family need. To provide this critical service, Patriotic Hearts, a US veteran charity, is using their free Hire Patriots Day-by-Day job board, for residents to employ US Military and veterans, to create a personal family Veteran Victory Gardens. (Of course, social distancing and appropriate precautions will be taken.) These gardens will provide American families with home grown, healthy, fresh vegatables and fruit. It will protect families by limiting their need to go to out in public and to grocery stores. It will be a fun and meaningful project for the entire family. And, at the same time, it will allow our US veterans and their families to earn additional income and provide for their needs and their families’ during this pandemic.

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I am presently creating the website, VeteransVictoryGardens.com. It will contain a job board for anyone in any state to post these jobs for their local veterans. There will have to be an appropriate amount for each garden, depending on the labor and materials needed. The website will provide various garden options and sizes from which residents (and businesses) can choose for their needs. They will also have the option to employ the veterans they hire to buld their gardens to maintain them too.

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We will provide videos for veterans to follow the directions on how to build each garden option. The tools and transportation of materials required for each garden will need to be provided by the veteran or veterans building the gardens. The cost of materals and labor will be paid by the resident.

But we also want to grow gardens for those who cannot afford them too, especially for Senior citizens and disabled veterans. And, as a way to say Thank You to our first responders, police, firemen, and medical personnel fighting on the front lines of this battle, we want to provide gardens for no cost. So, people will be urged to make tax deductible donations to Patriotic Hearts for such as these too. Those monies will be used to provide these charitable gardens and to pay for all costs required.

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This program needs to be started immediately! There is no time to lose. This will require some initial funding and may require continued financial support. Patriotic Hearts can create, promote, and manage this program. We are putting everything in place to do so. But we can use your help! It would be wonderful if we also had a philanthropic business or person who would help us get started financially. And please Share this psot with your social networks.

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Does this program excite you as much as it does me? If so, let’s talk and get it going in your area ASAP.

Mark Baird/ 760-847-2561/ [email protected]

P.S. View Pics of our 1st Veteran Victory Garden built today: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pics-1st-veteran-victory-garden-built-today-mark-baird

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