HirePatriots is going the extra mile to insure greater attendance at Military Job Fairs. Our reputation as an effective military outreach depends upon it. — We are having a military job fair on Camp Pendleton on May 2. This is why you will want to attend:
The Problem: In the last few years there has been a disastrous change on US military bases. The Transitional Assistance Program efforts have been transferred to a government contractor. And the company in charge of preparing our transitioning servicemen for returning to the civilian world no longer invites charities that provide transitioning services to attend their classes, nor do they permit us to notify those men and women of hiring events being held on bases! Consequently, attendance at military job fairs has plummeted.
The Solution: In order to get 100 companies and hundreds of Marines to attend our job fairs again, we are partnering with Marine4Life, a USMC program, that is giving us access to the battalions on Camp Pendleton. We will be visiting each of these commands and will be addressing them and putting up fliers. We will also ask the Colonel of each battalion to permit available troops to attend our military job fair on base on May 2.
We understand that the companies we invite to our hiring events need to have good prospects to engage with. We are doing our best, and going further, to insure that our event is a success for our companies and our troops.
Register for our May 2 Camp Pendleton Job Fair here: https://hirepatriots.com/camp-pendleton-job-fair-may-2-2017
At your service,
Mark Baird
People Magazine’s “Hero among Us”
From President Bush: The Congressional Medal of Merit
From President Obama: President’s National Leadership Medal
From San Diego: The Visionary Award for Creating Economic Development
From the Chamber of Commerce: The Extra Mile Award
From ABC TV: The Leadership Award
Author: An American Crisis: Veterans’ Unemployment
Author: The Patriotic Business Plan: Strategies for Sensational Success