Make a Great Living Being a Travel Vlogger

People are making huge profits just by filming their travels, around the USA and around the world. They are called “Vloggers.” Rick Steves is probably the most famous. He travels extensively through Europe and Israel. He began filming his travels when he was a teenager in the ‘70s. He now employs people in all of the countries he has visited as tour guides, has his own television shows, and is no doubt a millionaire many times over. But more than that, he has spent his life travelling to beautiful places and met and made thousands of friends everywhere!

Many young adults are now following in Rick’s footsteps and creating a niche in this market for themselves. 

Tim and Fin, are an attractive couple with great personalities that have also become famous and rich in just a few years. They also teach others how to do what they have done: –

In addition to their great travel vlogs from around the world, they also have begun an Amazon business that sells travel gear called Tripped. And they have online classes to teach others how to do this too:

They key to making money being a vlogger is to reach 100,000 subscribers on YouTube. That qualifies you as an advertiser for Amazon if you choose to do so. The average income for such people is about $56,000 a year in ad revenue.

But in the meantime, you can get financial support from your viewers who want to become your Patreons. They give you the financial and resource support that you need to keep going and to reach your goal of becoming financially independent.

I am a Patreon for William Taudien. He is my favorite vlogger. Click here to view his videos.

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He began as a young man with wanderlust who wanted to see the world. He now has 40,000 subscribers. He is determined to keep going until he reaches 100,000, and I am committed to helping him to achieve that goal. – One of the many reasons I chose to support William is because of his heart. When he was in the USA, he began a charity for homeless people. He got pizza companies to make fresh pizzas every day for the homeless; and then he collected them and passed them out to the homeless near the US college that gave him an athletic scholarship in Texas.

William is now in Mexico, as so many young vloggers are now. William is in Puerto Vallarta for the time being. He is promoting some properties that a viewer owns in that city, in return for a free stay in his gorgeous condo in the Marina. – I hope that you subscribe to him. He is a great videographer and has a funny and eccentric personality.

I have been assisting US veterans with starting businesses for over 50 years. I want to help them and others with developing this business for themselves. If you want help in getting started in this fun endeavor let me know. We can work together to make it a reality.

Mark Baird

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