When Faith was 4, her brother Griffin became fixed on the television news reports from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. His heart went out to the children and he began asking his parents to adopt from Haiti so there would be “one less without a house or a family.” Greg and Robin explained that they couldn’t just go to Haiti and bring home a child, but Griffin’s heart would not be deterred. For his sake, Robin began looking for a way they could help a child in Haiti.
That’s when she found Operation Christmas Child.
Griffin’s heart was comforted as he packed that first shoebox, hoping it would go to a child in Haiti. Every Christmas and birthday afterward he always asked for his family to adopt. Greg and Robin patiently explained that they couldn’t afford to do so.
Soon, Faith joined the effort and also began asking that they adopt. When it came time for her eighth birthday in 2013, Faith’s request remained the same: could they adopt? Turned down again, she asked if for her birthday party she could pack shoeboxes for children in need.
“Mom thought I wanted to pack eight boxes with seven of my friends, but no, I wanted to do 50,” Faith said.
See the NBC Nightly News video link below to see how she sent 500 this year. http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/the-extraordinary-way-one-10-year-old-is-bringing-christmas-to-others-587893315679
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