Patriotic Hearts act as a lifeguard to protect and to provide for US veterans and their families. We are a veteran charity that supports US veterans. We are Americans who highly regards and respects those that serve in our nation’s military.
This our WHY? — Since I “retired,” I have spent almost every awake hour strengthening, and giving hope to US veterans’ lives. I actually began serving US veterans back in 1970. Many of the young men my age were returning from Vietnam. More than half of Americans strongly opposed that war. Unfortunately, those citizens did not separate the motives of our politicians from the individual lives of the men and women that served in that war. I had just become a pastor and my heart went out to those veterans. So many were damaged by that war. Readjusting to the civilian world was particularly difficult for them (and still is for too many).

Combat changes the people that fight those battles, on the front lines and those that support them. We take our inexperienced youth and turn them into war machines. The death and destruction they experience has a lifelong effect on them. – I am old enough to have known World War 1 American soldiers. They were in their 70’s and 80’s when I was a teenager. Every one of those old soldiers that I met were still struggling with their time in those trenches. Not one had forgotten. Those memories still came back every day and night.

As a Christian pastor, I knew that God’s calling for my life was to serve this special class of American citizens and their families. Today, I have a non-profit called Patriotic Hearts. We provide a host of services to all US veterans. We are not like so many charities that cannot be differentiated from thousands of others. Too many NPOs are just passing out information sheets and not really doing anything of real value for veterans; or, they duplicate services that are offered by many others. We do not want to imitate them and compete with them.

The services Patriotic Hearts is a veteran charity that provides unique programs. We focus primarily on employment, but offer complimentary programs too. Stable, sustainable employment is critical for our US veterans. Being able to support themselves and their families is essential to their readjustment. Other personal issues cannot be addressed effectively until a firm financial foundation is created beneath them. We offer immediate day labor, long term employment, and we create unique business opportunities for the entrepreneurial veterans. We also offer award winning instruction in how to rewire our thinking processes to produce beneficial and positive results in their decision making. And we provide 3 day military marriage retreats at luxurious and romantic destinations to rebuild and strengthen their marriages. ( Anyone going through a divorce and a fight over the kids is not ready to address other pertinent issues in their lives.)

Our flagship website for veterans’ employment is Our job boards and blog posts about our other programs, and important info for veterans are there. We also provide US Military Maintenance: It creates very successful veterans owned businesses that employ hundreds of other US veterans at good wages. We also provide S.O.A.R. to Success Instruction, a 7 week online program that re-maps your brain’s pathways into choosing more productive attitudes and decisions. (That website is in production. It is based on two programs that have swept the world: — First, a program that begins in elementary schools to prepare our next generation to achieve their dreams: ( And then we provide a program for adults that continues that process: Both are offered online. But we are customizing these two powerful programs and offering it on college campuses across the country and at businesses and corporations, in conjunction with another new program we have created: Employers on Campus (website under construction). This program bring 15 companies to our even on campus events to present and recruit.

November through February are the toughest months for charities like mine to survive. If you think we are worth your support, please consider doing so this season: Go to We prevent US veterans from falling through the cracks and prevent veterans homelessness.
Mark Baird
Click here to support our efforts to strengthen the lives of our US veterans and their families: