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Write and Free Yourself from Demons

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” -Ernest Hemingway

Here are some basic instructions on writing to get you started. You’re not writing to be read. You’re not writing for fame or fortune. You’re not writing to break through creatively. You’re not writing with a hidden agenda. You’re not writing for anyone else. You’re not writing to make money. You’re not writing to win a Nobel prize. You’re not writing to satisfy your high school English teacher.

You’re not writing because anyone told you to. You’re not writing in order to stop. You’re writing to write. To express yourself. To write about the good, the bad and the ugly. To write about life as you experience it. You’re writing to be honest, especially when being honest is painful. And don’t worry. We’ve all made mistakes. We’ve all smashed a plate or two in the kitchen of life. When writing, it’s possible to learn something about yourself and gain insight into the thought process behind your choices and decision making. Hopefully, these insights will motivate you to write more often and enter the upward spiral that is self-expressive writing.

Write from your heart. Tell yourself the truth. Trust the process. And enjoy.

See your situation from both a positive and negative point of view.

• Both the positive and negative emotions you experienced.

• What good things a certain negative experience led to later in life.

Download more here: https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/writing-worksheets…

It is my sincere hope that you will download these writing exercises, instructions and worksheets and implement them in your practice and daily life. Like I said in my last email, I cannot overstate the therapeutic value of writing. You’ll find tons of research findings backing up this statement in our first file called “The Benefits of Writing”.

I really hope this changes your life for the better as much as it changed mine.

Nothing but the best for you,

Seph Fontane Pennock


Positive Psychology Program

P.S. As you can see, your feedback is super important to us and it can lead to great things for everyone. So please hit the “reply” button and let me know your thoughts!

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