The Positive Resiliency Course

Soar to Success provides a Poistive Resiliency Course that equips people with communication and problem solving  skills and strategies that help to effectively handle the physical, emotional and psychological challenges faced in life. The benefits of this program are universal. It is founded upon 30 years of scientific research and development on the effects of resiliency and positive psychology training.

Our Positive Resiliency Training maximizes your ability to face the challenges and stress of sustained emotional, mental, psychological, and physical exertion. Soar to Success improves performance and readiness, confidence to lead, courage to understand and adapt to one’s beliefs, and compassion to help others. We are all about maximizing a person or a team’s total potential. We are committed to providing a simple, universal method which enhances resilience and coping skills, and enables us to grow and thrive in today’s world.

Our course begins with individual and team assessments to pin-point  strengths and weaknesses. We can provide a 3 day in-person training by one of our Positive Resiliency experts, or tailored mini sessions for professional and organizational conferences to  teach these critical skills.

The Soar to Success program reignites our passion for living by developing our strengths and directing them to accomplishing the achievements that bring us fulfillment and fills our lives with purpose. We develop the confidence and skills to meet the challenges of this very demanding world. It is all about maximizing individual, team and an organization’s potential.

By learning to recognize the negative counterproductive impulses rooted in our thoughts, and knowing how to convert them to positive, productive actions, we are provided with the ability to achieve happier, more fulfilled and productive lives.

Mark Baird/ [email protected]. 760-908-5339



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