The 4 Essential Steps to Success

These are the 4 steps that must be taken in order to affect positive personal changes in one’s life.

1.      GRACE: We have all been born as distinctly individual. We all have a unique composition of lineage, inherited traits, and talents. These create our motivations and passions. Each of us can have a purpose that drives us to make changes in ourselves that permit our best personality, and talents to be discovered and brought to fruition. – Once one discovers what makes their life meaningful, they often have a sense that this is what they were created to do.

2.      BELIEF: Once we discover our purpose and passion, we must have a plan. But this plan must be something that we earnestly believe that we can accomplish. – For many, this will involve relying on a “Higher Power.” If not, then a firm conviction within themselves of confidence that what they put their mind and energy in accomplishing will be done.

3.      REPENTANCE: We all have hinderances that hold us back. There are bad habits we develop that prevent us from achieving our very best. It may be anything. Often it is the removal of unhealthy things in our life; alcohol, drugs, bad relationships, … If we really want to do something new and better, then we must jettison everything that is holding us back.

4.      BAPTISM: This is a ritualistic ceremony of commitment. This is essential. There needs to be a point and a moment in our life that we can reach back and say, “This is when my life changed!” Make it a special and memorable thing that commemorates your transition from being a possibility to being a reality.

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