If you are a patriotic American, this is a simple way to thank our US veterans and their families; and a great P.R. program for businesses! It provides jobs for the US Military, part-time and full-time. HirePatriots will build you a US veteran hiring site and job board for you to offer to your community. — It will make you or your business somewhat famous in your area.
I have just finished having this website made: http://hirenavy.com/. What do you think? This site has two job boards: One for full-time employment; and, one for temporary employment. It also has a blog connected to our massive social networks.
I have sites like this for every branch of the US Military. They are for communities that have a local base for that branch. These sites are free for residents and businesses to post any temporary job.
Let’s say a homeowner, who lives near a Navy base needs help with landscaping, painting, hauling, moving, cleaning etc. They go to your HireNavy.com website and post that job for free. — It is great way to thank your local sailors and their families (or that of any other branch of the US Military that is nearby you.) — You can also have an aggregate site for all branches of the military called HirePatriots.com. Here are some comments we have received from those that use this special site and job board: https://hirepatriots.com/testimonials
I generally look for a veteran owned or ” military friendly” company to be the sponsor of this site in their area. It is a tremendous boon and advantage to any business to have this site. They get the top banner and their info at the bottom. It gives them a few extra thousand local residents, businesses and veterans to come to their site. It develops a huge database of contacts. And it gives you myriads of opportunities to talk on TV, radio and to get in the Press, and to give speeches. It gives a business a community project that will be great for their employees, have a huge public relations advantage, and the support of your state and municipal leaders.
Patriotic Hearts is a 501c3 non-profit. Our primary mission is to help US veterans economically. We provide Off-Duty job while serving in the military; full-time jobs from companies that prefer to employ US veterans; and, we put US veterans into business, if they commit to hiring other qualified US veterans.
We do not charge for creating these sites for communities. However, we appreciate a donation to cover our expenses in doing so, if possible.
Mark Baird/ 760-730-3734/ [email protected]