US Veterans: Owning a Business vs. Having a Job

One of my major concerns in life is the successful transition of US Military members, especially if they have been in combat. The trauma of war and its effects upon our warriors’ families and loved ones, makes it critical for them to secure sustainable employment upon exiting the US Military.

I created one of the first job boards exclusive for US Veterans, in 2004. And I have held multiple job fairs on US Military bases. And I created a unique One Day job board for residents to use to hire local US Veterans to help with chores and repairs around their homes and yards. That job board has employed over 100,000 and helped that many civilians too.

Sometimes it is difficult or impossible for a person who grew up and matured in the US Military to adapt to the ways of the civilian business world. They are used to rigid protocols and intense teamwork with strictly defined goals for every mission. The much looser environment of civilian companies frustrates and irritates them. For these, and for those born as natural entrepreneurs, I created a business for them to own, US Military Maintenance. — I built and then sold these businesses for decades before ‘retiring’ and devoting myself to assisting US Veterans and their families, by forming the charity Patriotic Hearts.

When young, I joined the US Marine Corps. A war was going on, and if I was sent, I wanted to be as best prepared as possible to defend myself and my comrades, and to have us all go home alive. But an injury disqualified me, and I was discharged. Ever since, I have spent my life helping those who served in my place.

I was one of those that did not fit easily into the civilian world. I took a lot of meaningless jobs and hated every minute of it. This sometimes put my young family in peril. I had to do something that had meaning and purpose beyond just supporting myself and family. So, I decided to start a business and to employ US Veterans at better than average wages. – One of the things the US Military drills into every US Military member is keeping everything immaculately clean! It is called being ‘Inspection Ready.’ Starting cleaning business just seems like a natural fit.

Since ‘retiring’, I have helped 135 US Veterans start their own janitorial business. There are now US Military Maintenance businesses in 39 states and growing. – I fast track them and get their business up and running and making money in just 10 days. And there is very excellent money to make in this business!

I purchase their necessary equipment, get them certified in 3 areas by OSHA, start them as a ‘sole proprietorship’ until they need to become an LLC, get then insured, train them on how to talk with business owners and to acquire accounts, and meet with them and all the other US Military Maintenance owners every month to encourage and help eachother to exceed our expectations and goals. – In the US Military it is always All for One and One for All!

Many of my US Veteran business owners have exceeded even what I accomplished. Some are now servicing accounts in multiple states and employing dozens of US Veterans every day! And there is nothing better for US Veterans than to work alongside other US Veterans.

The name of the business is both US Military Maintenance and US Military Clean. (Owners choose which name they like best.) – If you are a US Veterans and eager to own a business that you control, instead of allowing a job to control yours, then give me a call. – But take note: You will need $3000 to get started successfully. And in the beginning, you may need to keep your job until your business income exceeds it. (That can happen in a month!) There is an unlimited number of businesses and venues that require experts to keep their workplaces disease free, enabling their employees to stay healthy and productive.

Mark Baird



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