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How Veterans Can Achieve Their American Dream

The American Dream is the national ethos of the United States, in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success: The chance to make your Life better, richer and fuller, with opportunity for each according to their ability and achievement, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. — Wikipedia

Thank you Americans who served in our country’s military. I have been working with US Veterans since I left the Marine Corps due to a medical issue in ’68. It is my sincere conviction that US veterans, especially combat veterans and those that suffer disabilities from war, deserve a chance to fulfill the American Dream: Financial security, and the freedom it offers.

This is the kind of life I want for you: I figured out how make enough money when I was 20 so that I could choose to work a job or not. I loved teaching, especially coaching sports. I taught when I wanted to, not for the money. — I earned multiple college degrees, started multiple other businesses, and had a very free life. – And I had the time and money to help many thousands of US veterans across America.

Most people seek security and stability in life by getting a good job. But not everyone can find a job that they love. Many live unfulfilled, frustrated lives, filled with anxiety and sometimes desperation, working jobs that they endure. They count the hours to when their workday is over. Or they may enjoy the work that they do; but, it does not offer the financial rewards that they desire.

The American Dream, the Light that has brought Hope to many, many millions,  is the independence to chart the course of your own life. If you are not satisfied with the work available to you, then you can start a business of your own and have the freedom to be the Master of your own Destiny.

One of the programs I created for US veterans 3+ years ago is a business called US Military Maintenance (http://usmilitarymaintenance.com/). Its purpose is to create very successful Maintenance businesses that employ other US veterans at good wages. — We ship you your equipment, build you a website, and provide a business and marketing plan. We also have national accounts.

Only our US veteran owners and their employees make money from this program: Our reward is hearing veterans say, “You changed my life!” We only ask for you to repay our NPO for its costs in the next 3 months after starting: $2500. We have owners that make $5000 in their first week. Some have reached to $100K a month in 3 years. — You will join a team of other US veterans independent owners across America. We help eachother to succeed! — Are you interested?

I slept for 7 hours a night, got up, went to work, came home, took care of my kids and spent time with my wife, and then I cleaned offices: 5 nights a week, 7 hours a night, 6 PM — 1 AM. –During the daytime, my life was mine to do as I wished. — I loved teaching, especially coaching sports. I taught when I wanted to, not for the money. — I earned multiple college degrees, started multiple other businesses, and had a very free life. – And I had the time and money to help many thousands of US veterans across America.

Why live a hard life, struggling to make end meet every month, and worrying if you can? Owning your own business puts your destiny into your own hands. Business ownership is the best path to achieving FINANCIAL SECURITY, PEACE, and HAPPINESS.

See more articles about US Military Maintenance here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markbaird/detail/recent-activity/posts/

Text, write or call: Mark Baird/ 760-730-3734/ [email protected]

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