Joe Padlo had a good job. He was financially comfortable. He had transferred well after being in Marine Corps for 12 years. He was a manager, Regional Director, VP, and President as he advanced in his career. But he wasn’t satisfied. He felt a need to do more with his life. Then he read about an opportunity to own a business that employs other US veterans. He decided to give it a shot.
US Military Maintenance is a program of the nationally respected non-profitPatriotic Hearts that focuses on assisting US military, veterans and their families. They made sure that Joe had everything he needed to get started: equipment, website, business cards, shirts, training, bid sheets, agreements and mentoring.
Joe applied the character traits and attention to detail that he learned in the Marine Corps. He worked with each veteran he hired and trained them, just as he had done as a Gunny Sergeant. He did things the way he had been taught and then taught others how to do so too. He relied on his military training to have his service disabled veteran owned business achieve success.
As part of his business start-up kit, Joe had received a book, The Patriotic Business Plan. It gives step-by-step instructions on how its author flew to tremendous success by using this unique, 21st century method for marketing his business. It is especially powerful for veteran owned and military friendly businesses. – Joe gave it a try.
Joe is now regularly bringing in new accounts and hiring other veterans to work with him. Military friendly business owners are hearing about Joe and his team. They are joining Joe in his effort to build his business and employ more US veterans. They offer him their offices to clean, and make important introductions. Joe is also invited to speak about his US Military Maintenance at various business associations. Joe is now expanding across his state; and, he is even being offered new accounts across the country.
Joe and his US veterans do great work and their reputation for getting things “military clean” has grown rapidly. They share an esprit de corps found only among fellow veterans. Everyone on Joe’s teams believes in what they are doing. They are working together to build this business to be as large as it can be so that hundreds, maybe thousands of other US veterans can work with them. These US veterans are committed to giving every account the spit and polish attention to detail and brilliance every US military recruit starts learning from their first day until they transition back to civilian life. — All of Joe’s US Military Maintenance clients are more than impressed with the results. They are bragging about how clean their homes and offices are!
If you are a US veteran interested in starting this business in your area, then let Joe know. He is helping US veterans to start their own US Military Maintenance business too. Read his LinkedIn Profile HERE. Write: [email protected].
Mark Baird