My vision for US veterans that seek my assistance is to help them achieve the success that leads to financial liberty; to be free to do good for others that we choose. Spending our riches on ourselves gives temporary happiness; but, giving it to those who cannot pay you back, and helping to lift them up, is an eternal reward. — In other words, my hope is to set an example: As I lift you up, pay it forward and lift up others.

With the money God has given to me through my business endeavors, has been used to create and run HirePatriots, that has helped hundreds of thousands of US military and veterans; Military Job Fairs (when just a few small companies were doing them). US Military Marriage Retreats to save marriages and families from breaking up because of the strain and hardship of military service; US Military Maintenance (Wow!) ;Employers on Campus, and its affiliate my Soar to Success training using the Army’s Master Resilience Training and the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology course with college credits; Patriotic Hearts, an award winning non-profit, and Coaches Sports Center. — I has given me the time to be a great father and husband, coach sports, teach school, write books, and to be a pastor.

At first, when I made a lot of my money, it was spent on a big house on the beach of a harbor, with its own boat dock. My family ate at expensive restaurants, took expensive vacations, and bought clothes in expensive stores. And I owned several cool cars. — That is one kind of happiness.
Now, Tori and I are “retired.” The kids are grown up and have good lives. We still have a good income. But now, we use our money to help others, less fortunate. We choose to live in a trailer park a couple of blocks from the beach. We drive donated vehicles. Our clothes are purchased at Thrift stores, our necessities at the Dollar store, and we get our food by volunteering at homeless shelters. — My wife and I have never been happier and content with life. — We work everyday serving the Lord, by serving others, from before dawn to night. This is true happiness.

I believe that God wants those he makes wealthy to spend the money on those that need it most. He promises to pay us back overflowingly, if we do. — He has with me and Tori!
Mark & Tori Baird