Who Will Step Up For America?

Two Presidents have recognized them for their tireless work to help Americas Veterans.

From President Bush:  The Congressional Medal of Merit.   

From President Obama: The Presidents Volunteer Service Medal.

People Magazine told their story and they wrote two bestselling books, An American Crisis: Veterans Unemployment and The Patriotic Business Plan: Strategies for Sensational Success.

Well success they have had but two people can’t cover the entire country. Mark and Tori Baird need you to step up in your part of America and tell your community about Hire Patriots and the advantage of hiring a vet. Your community has veterans looking for work and businesses that want to hire them for their legendary work ethic. Hire Patriots job board brings them together. Even homeowners in your community can hire a vet for a day by placing a free ad on the “One Day Job” board! You will be a local hero yourself for informing your community!

What’s in it for you to volunteer in your community? Besides the privilege of helping vets find work and helping your community you receive the following:

  • A free Member Business web site to promote your business or cause.
  • Total media and resource support.
  • The gratitude of a Nation of Veterans.

Your next step is to connect with Mark Baird and start a conversation. As busy as Mark is he will make time to talk to you personally.

Here is Mark’s contact info and  links about Hire Patriots. Thank you for stepping up.

Mark Baird


[email protected]

People Magazine’s “Heroes among Us” 

Authors: An American Crisis: Veterans’ Unemployment

Authors: The Patriotic Business Plan: Strategies for Sensational Success


Patrick Mellody lives in Buffalo, New York

Patrick is a contributor to Mark’s bestselling book “An American Crisis: Veterans Unemployment” and Author of “The Unemployment Budget – Your Financial Survival Plan”

The book is free on his Hire Patriots Member Business Page: http://HirePatriots.com/heroes

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